Stepping into the Future

On 23 Jeth, 547 Nanakshahi (June 6, 2015 CE), Bhai Daljit Singh released a draft document1 ini- tiating a process of dialogue and deliberations in order to propel the Khalsa Panth towards the objective of achieving Khalsa Jee Ke Bol Baalay.2 With the blessing (bakhshish) of Akaal Purakh, the Samvad initiative has worked collectively towards this objective over the past several years through lectures, dialogue, seminars, symposia and conferences to facilitate critical discussions for our internal develop- ment.

In order to chart out the further course of action and to move into the next phase, selective panth dardis3 from across the world got together at Sri Anandpur Sahib during the Hola Mohalla jor mela this year to engage in self-reflection and deliberation. The essence of those deliberations are being, hereby, put before the Khalsa Panth for perusal, feedback and guidance so that a strategy to achieve the objec- tive collectively can be evolved.

This document is a set of suggested guiding principles based on the confines of understanding of the congregation of panth dardis. It is not intended to be definitive or conclusive. We hereby request the enlightened minds of the GurSangat to share their valuable thoughts so that we can build the path forward and work collectively towards the common goal of “Khalsa Jee Ke Bol Baalay.”